
EASP Refugee Preconference: Rethinking and Acting with Refugees


EASP Preconference

Rethinking and Acting with Refugees: Bridging Between Science and Social Action.

Especially since the outbreak of the war in Syria in 2011, the number of asylum seekers and refugees have rapidly increased, and this resulted in a crisis. Politicians and the media like to call this a “refugee crisis” shifting the blame on refugees, but we believe this crisis is more about the incapacity of the developed countries to receive and resettle refugees in a safe and coordinated way. Accordingly, in this preconference, we aim to problematize the refugee reception crisis and discuss interventions and ways for policy implementation.

But first of all, who is a refugee? Who is an asylum seeker? When does someone become an undocumented migrant? Or why are we having a refugee reception crisis? What are the public reactions? What are the temporary and durable solutions?

Trying to find answers to these questions, we attempt to join forces and bridge between science and social action. Through research talks and interactive discussions, this preconference aims to bring together:

  • social and political scientists to discuss their research on refugee issues,
  • NGO and network representatives working with refugees to share their experiences,
  • refugees to share their own perspectives and experiences.

Overall, we aim to highlight the existing work and practices across Europe, the pressing issues for and about refugees, potential solutions, and finally discuss the possible contribution of the scientific approach.

We invite you to participate in a full-day of discussions and rethinking with refugees, scientists, activists, and humanitarian workers to build a bridge between science and social action. You can contact us (y.koc@rug.nl or sindhuja.p.s@gmail.com) for any queries.

Click here to check out the schedule and great lineup of speakers. And click here for more details about submission types and registration.

Please check the website for updates. We will regularly share media content and more information.

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